Hypocrisy, Thy Name Is Conservative Republicans

18 Jul

Freaking News it’s hard to recall such  (via ) as GOP conservatives treated The Politico‘s Jonathan Martin on the “non-issue” of Fred Thompson’s supposed flip-flop on abortion. It’s not quite at Watergate levels, and I’m almost certain my father wouldn’t cry so much if the Republicans lost in 2008 as he did when President Nixon resigned.

First, it’s not the job, but the Senate record that matters:

“I think it’s a nonissue for two reasons,” said Gary Bauer of the allegation that, in 1991, Thompson represented the National Family Planning and Reproductive Health Association in its effort to ease the rule barring federal funding for clinics that offered abortion counseling.

“First, the facts are in question,” said Bauer, a social conservative leader, “and second, this took place before he was in the United States Senate.”

And then, the utilitarian argument:

“If you add up everything Thompson has done in the past, I don’t know that this is sufficient to hurt him,” said Oran Smith, head of South Carolina’s Palmetto Family Council and an influential social conservative in the state.

And then, both ad hominem and the appeal to popularity:

“This is becoming so old,” Perkins scoffed. “They find somebody who has staked out a pro-life position, and the first thing they say is that he’s supported a pro-abortion group.”

What’s more, Perkins said, there has been no “indication that it’s getting traction.

And then, sympathy for the most loathsome species on the planet:

“Lawyers represent clients, and sometimes they do so for ideological support—but most of them do it to earn a living.”

And then, and the Senate again:

Since Thompson’s advocacy (if it occurred at all) happened 16 years ago; since it arose in the course of a minor legal representation rather than sua sponte; and since Thompson’s subsequent Senate voting record was solidly pro-life, all of the relevant distinctions cut in his favor.

And, finally, :

NARAL listed him as a dangerous opponent, while National Right To Life gave him consistently high marks.

Forgiving is such a nice Judeo-Christian touch, but GOP conservatives want to give Thompson the best chance in his career to backslide into sin. It also means more when you forgive those who don’t pay it back so transparently. Perhaps, . But, it doesn’t matter. There’s , but that won’t probably matter either, but we will know if he’s running then, not September.

Reagan was made of Teflon, so now all Christian candidates have to be, too. I sure know I’m not voting for a GOP conservative for any office. After almost 16 years of Bush and Clinton, the only worse event could be a gang of hypocrites begging to anoint a savior.